The objectives of the Association Cuore-Vita are:
1) to educate people to a correct style of life (nutrition, physical activity), through project directed to the prevention of the most important risky factors (smoke, stress, obesity hight blood pressure and diabetes); organizing cultural moments intended to the health education and to the people’s aggregation (meetings, lectures, discussions, publications, television columns an soon).;
2) to sensitise the social, health and political structures of the Republic of San Marino to the needs of cardiopathic patients, also through the direct organisation of initiatives to improve the quality of their life;
3) to promote meetings with people affected by this pathology in order to help them overcome the isolation often caused by this disease, with special attention to psychophysical rehabilitation projects, which are too often neglected;
4) to favour volunteer activities by the Association’s members in favour of those who are most isolated and in need of assistance.
Among the objectives of the Association is also to encourage, on the basis of detailed projects, the raising of private funds, in agreement with the Social Security Institute, i.e. the public entity mainly responsible for this sector and as such our most important reference point.
Citizens are therefore invited to support the volunteer Association Cuore-Vita and to participate in its initiatives always aimed at the well-being of people.
Steering Committee
Sustain the Association Cuore Vita
To support the Association you can make a donation of any amount and/or sign up as a member , by bank transfer :
Cassa di Risparmio di San Marino
IBAN: SM 23K 06067 09808 000080106123
Banca Agricola Commerciale
IBAN: SM 93B 03034 09801 000010151093
Opening hours office
Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00
Friday 15:00 – 17:00
Via N.Buonaparte 45 – 47890
San Marino
Phone/Fax 0549 991011
email: info@cuore-vit.sm