Cuore-Vita Magazine N.7 – September 2013
30 January 2013
The publication date of this issue of our magazine could not fall more appropriately given the occasion of World Heart Day (September 29). That’s why our Association rightly wants to be at the forefront of the event with a series of initiatives, including the special issue of a postal mark and a themed stamp issued by the State Philatelic and Numismatic Company that has also attracted enthusiastic attention across the ocean. The message contained in a square of so few centimetres is clear: heart health starts with prevention through a series of healthy lifestyles. San Marino already has an optimal coverage of defibrillators throughout its territory, a wealth that, as stated by the Secretary of State for Health (see interview inside), is worth enhancing and strengthening in terms of communication and information so that the service is optimally beneficial. Hoping that all citizens take action by participating in this Cuore-Vita, Heart-Life anniversary celebration capturing its true meaning: the event is tied to a day, the message applies all year round.