Cuore-Vita Magazine N.0 – December 2011
30 January 2011
At 10 years from its birth the Association Cuore-Vita presents to the Sammarinesi its own magazine. It’s been conceived with a team spirit in a form we like best based on the asuumpition that simple contents are the right formula for an efficient publication. A few pages, that will be sent to your homes from time to time, in which you’ll find information, instructions, useful tips on everyday life. Brief messages, easy rules with a common denominator: the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, the philosophy on which the Association has always been based on. The experience of these first ten years is an important fund of knowledge for the team that is in charge of the initiatives of Cuore-Vita supported by its members and supporters. It’s a solid base to start up again with new initiatives and challenges. The quality of life should be at the first place on the scale of values of a civil society, the baton that each generation should pass onto the next. School and family should be in a forefront position. This small state has a great potential, to the extent that it’s looked at as a model beyond its borders. This isn’t a dream, you just have to believe in it.